Nutritional Products

Nutritional Products

Tahini, honey, molasses, spirulina, natural products that are on the list of the most healthy and nutritious choices with sufficient caloric yield but also with high nutritional value and beneficial action. They are an ideal substitute for animal protein, especially during periods of fasting, since they contain a significant amount of vegetable protein of high biological value, and at the same time, anti-aging and rejuvenating the body. This combination is an excellent choice to nourish your body and spirit!


Product Details

Organic ProductBIOSERRES

Unique nutritional combination of honey, cocoa and grape juice. Suitable for spreading and delicious fresh ingredients. Without sugar and preservatives. Necessary for a nutritious breakfast for children but also for adults. Without preservatives and colorings. High quality unique product and 100% Greek. Great taste you'll love! 200g.
